£20 OFF Multiple kit orders value over £400
This kit includes all the Digital Bird specific parts required to build the compact remote display. Only one controller is required to operate all of the systems.
Included in the kit:
- Power switch harness
- Nextion Harness with 5V mini boost
- Adafruit HUZZAH ESP32 feather with project pins in place (pre-programed)
- USB C Mini lipo charging board (New)
- Itead Nextion 2.8" TFT display
Additional Items you will require:
- Your own 3D printed case
- 2000 or 5000 mah single cell Lipo with JST connector (Cannot supply due to shipping restrictions)
Local Tax liabilities:
Different countries have different Import tax systems and there may be additional import duties/taxes applied to your order when entering your country. Payment of such tax is the responsibility of the purchaser and vary from country to country.